Cooking Multinational

Teaching english¹ is the best way to get to know people in a huge city like Tokyo. You might even say you are able to find friends through such jobs. One of those “student”friends of mine and I constantly think about new creative ideas, which we combine and tadaa →   English Cooking (for mothers and their children)

Renting a place is easy and finding mothers with children even more. We decided to cook “together” instead of teacher-student style, all in english. It was a big mess at first, but in the end all faces showed a big smile of content.

  • German recipe in Japan while using English
  • Casserole
  • hand-made sausage², potato fries and apple-sauce
  • vanilla pudding

²[It was actually my first time ever to make sausage (though I do come from a country where this item is said to be No. 2 on the food-list, after beer) ]